Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Day After Christmas

After a WONDERFUL holiday with friends and family, Joe and I took the puppy to the vet for the good old "Snipperooni"!! He went into the vet with tail wagging and kisses for all of the nurses! He was so proud to weigh in at a whopping 23.8 pounds!

The vet called me at about 2pm to let me know that everything went well! They successfully took his manhood, along with a dewclaw, and he would be ready to come home this evening. Then, she went on to tell me that he still has a baby tooth (a true Mcfatridge... losing teeth late!), that another tooth had cracked (no more ice cubes or rawhides!), and that he has to take it easy.

She's trying not to giggle as she tells me all of this and then comes the kicker... she proceeded to tell me that sometimes the anesthesia makes puppies sick and they often throw up a little bit... but usually its not much of a worry. Except in our case... when the put our pup on the operating table, he started to yak... and yak... and yak. After any food that was in him came out, he yaked a little more... and out came a pair of panties! A Red Thong. Whole.

Yep; the damn dog swallowed my only sexy unders... which are not so secret anymore!

She cautioned me that usually they have to do a whole surgery to get "foreign objects" out of puppies bellies, so really, he saved me some cash!

At 5pm, thoroughly mortified, we picked up our little patient... who looks like he's been through the ringer....

Moral of the story: Make sure you thoroughly clean when preparing for family to visit... don't just throw everything on the floor into a closet... and don't assume that the dog won't escape from the kitchen when you leave him all afternoon!

Merry Christmas!!

P.S. Click below to see our Christmas Photos

Christmas 07

Monday, December 17, 2007

Brandy and Eric are Engaged!!

This past Saturday morning, Eric got down on one knee and proposed to Brandy right in front of the Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Plaza in New York City!

Congrats Brandy and Eric!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Preparing for the holidays

So far the holidays have been wonderful, except we missed Pat and Drew terribly. The Thanksgiving craft project took place on the deck this year due to the mild weather, and dinner was a hit. We are busy shopping, decorating, writing the family poem and making menus. Life is good!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Support the Troops!

My cousin JD is finally on his way home from his tour in Iraq!! He'll be home in Alaska in a week or so... so I won't get to see him, but I'm just so excited for his wife and our family... having everyone together again... it's just makes Thanksgiving so much better (having something so HUGE to be Thankful for)!!

That's all... I'm just jumping through my skin excited... just please keep in (and all troops!) in your prayers for a safe trip back to US Soil!


If you want to send a soldier some holiday cheer.... When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the following:

A Recovering American soldier/airman/sailor/marine
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20307-5001

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Butler's Orchard with the Kids

Madeline got her pony ride...

Maura's beautiful smile...

Will took on the Corn Maze...

Isaac took in the sights from his stroller...

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007

Lane's Island -- Vinalhaven

The Crew

Lane's Island Love ;)

B and Mom on the Rocks

Rory & Joe

To View The Entire Album, Click Photo Below!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I've started to upload some of the photos from our getaway to Vinalhaven last week! Click the photo below to get to the entire album!

Here are some favorites from the album...

I love this one of Nancy and Linda on the rocks!

Eric's First Lobster!

The Lobster Pup!


Saying goodbye at the ferry!


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Here are some pics from BYU!
Here are some pics from BYU!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Newest Richardson Puppy

After 2 years of marriage, we finally decided to add to our family... by adding a puppy! Joe found him online and we drove to NJ to get him today! He's a ten week-old Puggle (Pug & Beagle Mix) and is just about the sweetest ever! We named him Sirius after Rory's favorite Harry Potter character Sirius Black! Here he is!

He loves giving kisses!!


Hey Joe, pay attention to me!!


Click the photo below to go to the whole photo album!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Experience So Far

My Beloved Family,
Sorry about the lack of pictures from my time here at BYU so far, for some reason I always forget to bring my camera places, I'll work on it for sure. BYU has been great so far, the people are nice, the classes are interesting (for the most part) and I'm happy. I wish you all could have the experiences I'm having here. This truely is the perfect place for me, not only am I recieving a great education, but this is the best place in the world for spiritual progression, and thats is why I really came here. The mix of church and school might not be everyones cup of tea, but it certianly is mine (not that I'm allowed to drink tea). When the hours change on campus the bell tower plays Come Come Ye Saints, and there is just something about having your Family Life teacher bear his testimony to the point where the spirit is tangible that warms my heart. But the highlight of my experience so far was yesterday at devotional. The Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley came to BYU to share a message with us. The doors for the devotional opened at 9:15 but I couldnt sleep I was so excited, so at 7:15 I headed over. There were already about a hundred people in line, so I joined them, and it was completly worth it. The Marriott Center was filled to the brim, over 20,000 people, and i was just 10 rows up. When he walked into the room everyone went dead silent and stood up, an immediate reverance joined us. There were many times throughout the next hour that I felt all the hairs on my body stand up, I could not have been happier. President Hinckley just blew me away. He truely is the most powerful man in the world, and yet he is gentle, meek, humble, and funny. There is just a purity and an aura about him, and I am so grateful for the oppurtunity I had to be there. He spoke on the 13th article of faith which states, "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men etc." If you havent read this in many years, which Im sure most of you havent, I encourage you to give it a look and some thought. There truely is a higher and happier way of living, I think that is what this scripture is all about. I am still Tommy, but I'm much improved, in speaking to my siblings, I hope we can get to a point where our friendships really flourish, and a greater respect is earned. I know I will always be the youngest, but I hope we can gain from eachothers experiences and advice. I love you all and pray for you daily.

Thomas Stephen Richardson

Happy Birthday September Babies!

Joey - September 1
Brandy - September 11

Eric - September 11 (Same day as Brandy)
Granddad - September 20
Happy 78th Birthday!!

Granddad's 78th Birthday Party at the Ranch

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Winding Down in Hawaii

We'll my time here is almost over, Ive made some awesome memories, my friends are great, and ive got tons of stories, here are a few more pics

Friday, August 10, 2007

Skydive Hawaii!

Family, this was the tightest thing Ive ever done, my adreneline was pumping so hard my hands were tingling haha. Theres probably no better feelin than free-falling for 50 seconds straight.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

It was a very emotional day for the Richardsons. Drew entered the MTC, lots of tears from Mom and Dad, but tears of happiness. Thanks to everyone who shared in wishing Drew farewell.