Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Farewell Andrew!

Nancy's shirt just says it all.... We'll miss you Andrew!

While Nancy wasn't looking, Granddad threw on a harness and decided to do the wire bridge and zip line! Thank goodness Kev was there to document it all on film! :)

Monday, July 30, 2007

The McFatridge's Invade Mountainside! ;)

Among the many great memories made this weekend, watching friends and family on the ropes course was definitely a highlight! Here's a "McFatridge Memory" for you to enjoy...

Laurel is on the left, Allison on the right, and video is courtesy of Kip and his camera phone! :)

I can't wait to see everyone's photos and hear about everyone's favorite moments from this weekend!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Summer Continues

Hey guys, looks like you are having a great time with the new boat, sorry I'm missing it. I know so much is happening at home now, with drews party and farewell and all, I hope you know I'm there in heart. As for me, things are going pretty well. I have really made a great group of guy friends, I know that will make mom happy. There really arn't that many cool girls here, but my guy friends are awesome. I love going to a church school, its so much easier to be yourself when people around have the same standards as you. I have seen some amazing things here, I wish you all could visit. Anyways, my classes are getting tougher, I truthfully cannot understand a single concept in Biology, so pray for me that I pass it. Ill be home in less than a month, I love you all.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Deep Creek July 21-22

These are unedited as I wanted to get them up here as soon as possible!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

We're Buying a House!!

Rory and Joe are buying a townhouse!! :)

Shira emailed us this townhouse last Wednesday... we went to take a look at it on Thursday... Nancy and Drew gave us their seal of approval on Sunday after they saw it... we talked to the mortgage guy on Monday... put in an offer at 8:30 tonight... and they accepted our offer at 9:30!!

It's a huge step, but we're excited (not as excited as you all are to help us move at the end of August! ;) ) and wanted to share with you all!

Here are some pics, but I think you'll all need to see it in person (especially since now we'll have space for people to stay)!! ;)


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

A day of fishing

Bethany Beach vacation

Our vacation in Bethany Beach has come to a close. Joe and Drew visited this week and we had a great time. One of the trips highlights was spending time with our friends the Clipps. We spent Thursday on the Clipp-so, where we fished and we all caught a flounder. What fun!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Family Night

I know I'm way behind on this one, but wanted to post the photos that I have from family dinner a few weeks ago!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Latest Adventure

Hey family, just wanted to update you on my latest adventure. Its called Crouching Tiger Ridge, and it was one of the best experiences Ive ever had, here are some pics.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Here are some more pics by request

Hey fam

Hey everyone,
Just keeping everybody updated on the happenings from the pacific. Ive been in class for about a week and half, doing pretty well so far I think, get my first test back on friday so cross your fingers for me. Ive made a great group of friends who Im hanging out with just about everyday. On July 3rd we all went down to Waikiki for the night, we ate, went to a club, stayed up late, chilled. Then the next moring Pat and Tristians friend Kristen took me out surfing for the first time and it was awesome. I got up on my first try and was catching waves on my own by the end of the lesson, it was sick. I havent been homesick at all but I do miss home. I havent had a slurpee since Ive been here so my body is going through withdrawls, Ive been craving a big crab feast, so we gotta do that when I get home. Hopefully I find time to talk to all of you on the phone soon, love you. PS, Ive been putting tons of pics up on facebook, so check them out if you wanna see what my summer looks like.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Bethany Beach

Two weeks in Bethany Beach!! Hooray. I am here with Daddy, Linda, Rick, Heather, Will and Maura.
Jody and her gang are right down the street too. We are having a great time. The kids have settled into quite the routine which includes mornings on the beach, rest time after lunch and a walk into town for ice cream. Thank goodness for our wonderful family. Looking forward to time with Brandy and Eric this weekend and Drew and Joe next week.